Saturday 23 April 2011

My Short Story Idea

 Story Idea
. Beginning- focus on the hands of someone giving an everyday ‘object’ to a charity shop
. Object? : Necklace, watch, belt, mirror
. Show the shop pricing it and putting it out on display
. Cut to someone in their everyday life, then there journey to the shop and buying this ‘object’
. Object changes their life slowly in many different ways- for the worse
. In the end problems are resolved and the ‘object’ is sold on to another shop
The Object
It was a normal day when (unknown) woke up in the morning, she went through her everyday routine of getting up and ready for college and made her way there. During her lunch break she went in to the local village to get her lunch as she did everyday and she stopped off at the bakers like she did every Friday as she felt like she needed to indulge herself only once a week. On the way back to college something gleaming caught her eye in the window of the charity shop. It was a pocket mirror, the nicest thing she had seen in ages and was in perfect condition like it had never been used before. It was decorated delicately with a flower pattern weaving around the front of the mirror in a black and white colour scheme, so it was seen as very modern. So she decided to buy it, know would know it was someone else’s before, so she went into the shop and brought it, not knowing the strings that are attached to the object. A small change began to happen each day, the tiniest things. But as the days went on the changes grew bigger, and she could not explain what was happening. These small things grew bigger, until it was too much for her to handle. She begins to panic about all the things that have happened, she becomes enchanted by the mirror and does things she can’t control, which she knows she is doing it. She ends up injuring someone close to her, her good friend; she panics as she cannot control her body movements. She does not know what to do so she runs.

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